Church Is Complicated

Church Is Complicated

Church - for so many people right now, it is complicated. I recently did a talk for a spiritual ministry here in Dallas and it was about this idea of America becoming less religious and more spiritual. One of the best metaphors I know is from author Robert Putnam. He says that interest in bowling is at an all time high and yet interest in bowling leagues is at an all time low.

You see, people want to bowl but they don’t want to do it formally. The church trend trackers are seeing similar trends when it come to going to church. What has become apparent for a lot of people I know is that they discovered they didn’t need to go sit in a sanctuary to have church, to have community. Their faith community they realized were the people that care about them and those who they care about.

In this first edition of "It's Complicated," there isn't a guest. Just me talking about the reality of church-going and living a more spiritual life. The truth of the spiritual or reconstructing life is that often what irks us, is just an invitation in disguise. 

Read the full transcript below…

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