Discovering Your Inner Compass With Aaron Manes

Discovering Your Inner Compass With Aaron Manes

Have you ever felt a deep-seated longing for something more? A desire to connect with your authentic self and find deeper meaning in life? In this blog post, Mystic Mag delves into the world of spiritual direction with Aaron Manes. Learn about his journey to becoming a spiritual director, the transformative power of Somatic Enneagram, and what to expect from his sessions.

When did you first know that being a Spiritual Director was your calling and how did it come about?

For most of my adult life people have been telling me about their personal stories. I would find myself in line at a grocery store or in a barber chair listening to someone pour their heart out to me. I didn’t realize until later in life that this was a part of my calling. Honestly I would be mystified as to why this was happening. I first heard the term “Spiritual Director” almost ten years ago and began working toward becoming one shortly after that. It wasn’t until I was in training that my calling became clear. Owning my own spiritual story and being a part of other people’s stories is part of my calling of spiritual healing. I try to bring that energy into all of the spaces I am in.

What services do you offer?

I typically meet with people one-on-one and occasionally offer group work. Spiritual Direction happens in person or over zoom. I have recently added Somatic Enneagram inquiry sessions as well. These are also one-on-one.

Could you tell us more about Somatic Enneagram?

I am a faculty member with Marion Gilbert’s Somatic Enneagram School. The Gilbert Method of the Somatic Enneagram is a presence practice that invites inquiry, connection, and communication with your intuitive, emotional, and logical ways of being in the world. The method interacts with the Enneagram teachings on defense mechanisms, awareness practices, and habits of attention for each type. By waking up to the discernment of ego and essence, we can learn who we are in our deepest places. Engaging with all three centers of ourselves allows us to ease our type patterns which enables us to engage with the world in more open and curious way. By easing type, we can be in the world differently. We can  learn to agree with the essence or divine energies in our lives. This all happens in one-on-one sessions which I facilitate.

What does it mean to be a Spiritual Director?

The best metaphor for being a Spiritual Director that I have heard is like being a midwife. It is similar in the context of my role as a Somatic Enneagram facilitator as well. There is something larger at play – in the 12 Step world they refer to it as the “God of your choosing.” My role is to be a vessel for your God to connect and communicate with you. This can be religion specific or it can be more about personal wellness. As a director, companion, facilitator and healer it is my role to hold space for you to do the work you need to do in your own life – to hear from God or to open up to a greater personal divinity.

What can a person expect from your sessions?

Space. The main thing I tell my clients is that it is my role to create an intentional space for you to do your work. Together we laugh, cry, struggle, celebrate, grieve, imagine and work through what is happening in your life. An intentional space for you to be all of who you are – this is what I hope it is like to work with me. 

What do you love most about your profession?

Let me start with what I don’t like. I don’t like that typically I am the only one who gets to see someone have a breakthrough or do work that is incredibly healing. I want more people to be able to see that. So what do I love? I love that people are finding a way to be more whole and gaining agency with God by doing this somatic and spiritual work.

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